Mold is a problem for households, as it can cause a variety of health problems, including respiratory issues. If homeowners notice any signs of mold growth in their homes, it’s important to call a professional for mold removal and remediation right away. This post will share some common signs of mold growth to help homeowners identify when to call in professionals.

Visible Mold or Musty Odors

If homeowners see visible mold growth on any surfaces in their homes, such as on walls and ceilings, it’s important to have it removed by a professional. Mold growth can appear in several colors but often takes the appearance of white, gray, and dark-colored patches. Mold also typically has a soft and fuzzy texture.

Mold growth in the house can also be identified by a musty smell, which can be helpful when the mold growth is not visible to homeowners. The smell of mold in the home may start out faint and barely noticeable but can grow stronger over time.

Physical Symptoms

Mold growth in the household can also cause health symptoms or cause asthma and allergy symptoms to worsen. So, these physical symptoms may also alert people to the presence of mold. Some symptoms that can occur due to mold include:

  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Sneezing
  • Coughing
  • Eye irritation
  • Sore throat
  • Runny nose

Water or Moisture Problems

Another thing that can indicate mold issues in the home is if there have been any recent problems involving water and moisture. These can include households that have recently experienced a water leak, flooding, or high indoor humidity, either due to an issue with the HVAC system or poorly ventilated bathrooms.

Mold growth requires wet, damp, or humid conditions, so all these water and moisture issues can lead to mold. If a home has experienced these problems recently and they weren’t fixed and dried right away, there is a high likelihood they have mold growing. When noticing any of these signs of mold, it’s important to call a professional mold removal and remediation company.

About Rocket Restoration

Rocket Restoration is a family-owned and operated company serving the Vancouver, WA area. They provide 24/7 emergency services and straightforward pricing. Call them for mold removal and remediation services in Vancouver, WA.